Paralleling, Peak Shaving & Global Adjustment Abatement

Sommers paralleling generator line offers a self-contained, economical way to parallel up to 32 generators. This provides back-up and alternative power to assist with Peak Shaving and Global Adjustment Abatement strategies.

Advantages of Paralleling Generator Systems

Sommers paralleling generator line offers a self-contained, economical way to parallel up to 32 generators.

Our designs are compatible with different size generators (kw), fuel types and flexible enough to be installed with other brands. This strategy reduces installation time on-site by incorporating the necessary synchronization control and motorized breaker into one ready-to-use package

paralleling diesel generators

Advantages of running multiple generator sets, paralleled:

Paralleling up to 32 generator systems, diesel or gaseous, produces long term savings to the customer.

Paralleling equates to:

Less maintenance costs
No downtime
Fuel savings
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What is Global Adjustment?

The global adjustment is set monthly to reflect:

The cost of delivering conservation programs

Understanding Global Adjustment

Opportunities for significant savings

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What is Peak Shaving?

In an effort to reduce the overall cost of energy demand charges, a strategy is utilized to smooth out peak loads, called Peak Shaving. Short-term demand spikes set a higher peak usage and eliminating these by utilizing an alternative power source manages the overall demand.

Businesses can be charged penalties for high electrical use during periods of high demand on the energy grid. Utilizing generator power can replace or supplement grid power during peak production periods to avoid costly penalties. At Sommers, we will assess your needs to provide recommendations and support you through installation, maintenance and emergency support.

Peak shaving graph energy usage

Developing your "Power Profile" with Eyedro

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Global Adjustment Abatement

Global Adjustment (GA) costs charged by utilities are assessed according to energy consumption during specific sampling periods. GA Abatement strategies use off-grid power to reduce demand during the assessment dates.
Sommers can implement GA Abatement strategies tailored to any facility:

Calculating your Peak Demand Factor

A customer’s PDF is based on their percentage contribution (i.e., the quantity of energy withdrawn from the IESO controlled grid or distribution system of a local distribution company) during the top five peak hours of the corresponding base period.

peak demand factor global adjustment abatement calculation

Calculating your Global Adjustment

The Class A customer's PDF is used to calculate their monthly GA charges during the adjustment period (i.e., billing period). A Class A customer’s GA charges are calculated by multiplying the total monthly GA costs by the customer's PDF.

Global adjustment charge abatement calculation

Peak Shaving

By utilizing peak shaving and investing in generators for alternative power, companies can save on their GA charges while also having backup power for emergencies.

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Consulting Services

  • Standby vs Prime Power
  • Off-grid / Peak Shaving
  • Mobile Units (rentals)
  • Life Safety (CSA-C282)
  • Paralleling
  • Renewable Energy
    (Biofuel & Methane)
  • Heat recovery & heat exchangers
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24 / 7 / 365 Emergency Service

Our qualified service technicians are standing by around the clock with a centralized dispatch for local service agents.

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